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Life Groups

Life Groups are the core of Sapphire Life's family. We meet on a Sunday to worship Jesus. During the week we meet to grow together.


We believe that our extraordinary journey with Jesus is not meant to be walked on our own so we gather through the week to share what God is doing in our lives.


Life Groups run through the school term and have a start and finish date.

You can choose which Life Group suits you and move freely between Life Groups. They are are not a life time commitment!

Your Life Group leader however, is committed to praying for you by name everyday.


Our Life Groups are many and varied – ranging from activity groups (like walking), through special interest groups (e.g. art and cooking) to in-depth bible-study groups.


GETTING INTO A LIFE GROUP IS SO EASY - just choose one from the list below and get in contact with the leader to join!


Term 4 Life Groups


Philippians Life Groups


Monday 1.30pm, Mirador. Contact Margi Sparkes on 0417 270 576


Monday 5.30pm, SLO Building. Contact Ivan Hebert on 0408 535 710


Tuesday 7.00pm, Tura Beach. Contact Mark & Tanya Davey on 0423 770 867


Wednesday 7.30pm, Candelo. Contact Maryanne on 0473 246 568


Thursday 6.00pm, Tura Beach. Contact Cato Bailey on 0401 953 255


Friday 12.00pm, online via Zoom. Contact Tanya Davey on 0423 770 867


Please call the Life Group contact for more details.


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